Nothing micro about Microsoft

Searching Microsoft is like scanning the known universe for a moon—you want a specific moon but what planet does it revolve around in what solar system and in which of the thousands of galaxies and does it still even exist or are you seeing only its reflection emitted thousands of light-years ago.

My challenge within the Central Marketing Group was to create strategies and UI’s to co-mingle detailed results while highlighting categories and products that expose more avenues of relevance. While tackling search challenges in the Download Center, I led efforts to further orient consumers and build awareness of the vast network of sites, tools, and sub-brands of the expansive Microsoft family.

Migrating to the Volume Licensing team, I uncovered more challenges of navigating through decades of tools, patches, and licensing supporting legacy enterprise products. Volume Licensing is Microsoft’s biggest revenue stream and updating the design system and auditing usability was their highest priority at the time.